Tips for Downsizing

Declutter and Downsize Using These 5 Magic Steps

Making the decision to downsize can be a great one, not only for your monthly budget, but also for your mental and emotional freedom! Lower utility bills, less space for clutter and a smaller lot to maintain can make for a better quality of life for many people who are currently occupying homes larger than necessary.

With a red-hot housing market -- even during a pandemic -- now might be the right time to consider downsizing. And if you’re overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning out that garage that has been collecting life’s momentos for 30 years, think again. A good plan following some vital to-do’s can help you get that For Sale sign on the front line in no time.

  1. Plan Ahead: Speak with your agent to let your agent know that you are considering a downsize. Get your agent’s professional opinion about your selling and buying range and identify what size you would like next. Are you sick of gardening and want to try condo living? Hoping for a small cottage? Maybe a two bedroom, two bathroom house? Knowing the approximate size of your new space will help you plan the rest of the move. 

  2. Assess your belongings: Walk around your home and write down the items to keep, donate and sell. This doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Once you’ve done an audit of your belongings, it’s time to get to work. Take it room by room. Have three designated spots for garbage, donation and the keep pile. Remember that during this process it is important to separate your wants from your needs. Lastly, plan to get rid of the donate pile within a week of boxing it up. 

  3. Give yourself plenty of time to complete your tasks. You don’t want to run out of time and end up losing pivotal time to purge. 

  4. Zone in on specific areas: Break your work into pieces so that the entirety of the decluttering doesn’t become overwhelming and unproductive. Give yourself a reasonable timeline to complete each zone. 

  5. Consider how you plan to move your belongings. Will you have friends or family help? Will you hire a moving company? Schedule this out in advance to meet your moving deadline.

Following these five steps will ensure your move is stress-free and methodical, giving you time to reminisce and enjoy the new experience that a smaller home will provide for you. Moving into a new space with only your essentials and valued possessions will help you embark on a fresh, new you.
