Lower the end of school year stress - look at it through a REAL-estate lens.

Wow! The end of the year is here! From New Year’s to May, it all goes by so fast!

Frustrated Woman at Computer With End of School Year StressWe all feel it one way or another – we begin the madness with taxes in April and before we know it, we welcome the season with Easter or Passover, Mother’s Day and then… before we know it we are traveling down that dark and mind-zipping path through a million year-end school projects with our kids, family get-a-ways to commemorate Memorial Day, field trips and Tuesday tours (well, maybe just for us :) but we all have a Tuesday .. or weekday “must,” per-say. And finally, SUMMER! But, if you haven’t noticed – we were so busy last week, we even couldn’t find the time to spit out a blog!

Being that we’re both working moms, we are busy just like you all are! (and couldn’t be happier about it…. )

This is the time of the year where we all breathe a collective sigh of ... “Holy…. MOLY” (We only use choice words ;) )

The stress this time of year is tempered by our love of what we are so blessed to do. While the real estate market continues to climb, according to the San Mateo County Association of Realtors (SAMCAR), which announced that average sales prices for homes throughout the county climbed to $1.6 million at the end of April, so does the stress that we all feel just to reach the finish line of the academic school year.

So, just like the real estate market, we need to continue to ascend to new heights. We must see the end of the year as an opportunity. And why not look at it like a well-crafted real estate deal? (Yes, we always look at life in these terms!)

Here are a few tips on how to temper the end-of-year stress in winning real estate ways.

Get your ducks in a row: Look at your calendar and what’s to come. Say no to what you cannot do and yes to what you can accomplish with a win.

Don’t procrastinate: A fail is always there when you choose to wait, so don’t. Get it done – whatever it is, so you can cruise into summer with no regrets.

The cleaner the offer, the better: The best way to go about summer is to plan. Make your offer first, clean and without hesitation. Whether that means signing your kids up for camp or booking those travel plans, just do it! You won’t regret being organized and having your plans made, clean and done!

Present yourself in the best possible light: Just like a winning offer, we moms and dads must continue to force ourselves and our kids to see each project to the end. Go the extra mile – it’s only for the next few weeks … and who knows what it might gain?! Frustration is inevitable, but get over it and get it done – it’s only a matter of time before you’re enjoying the dog days of summer with your family. And you’ll be happy you went out with a bang!

Enjoy the win: Once you take the time to organize and methodically get through the end of the year muddle, you will be happy with your finish! So, enjoy the win.

And who knows, once you finish out your stressful academic year, you might be interested in undergoing a new endeavor – try on a move? We’re here to help!

Contact us at Dwell!

BlogTatum Clarke